Sunday, September 23, 2007

Great Big News!!!

Today i thought it was going to be normal since i nvr went to church today and stayed at home playing com and mahjong...but after my mahjong game..since i lost i was forced to go and buy desserts back....and return the dvds we rented...on my way there i saw something which gave me quite a shock...i saw Mr. Lim and Miss Chew holding hands walking right pass first i thought i must have seen after i returned my dvd i went back the direction which i saw the 2 of them went and saw them inside my neighbourhood food court called Hong Kong street...after confirming that it is them i saw another very shocking thing...the both of them time i see teachers kissing..not pai seh and not careful enough...
P.S.:Ok thats all i gotta say will try to post more...and for the song of the day:Five-when lights went out..

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